Welcome to the Peoples Club Communal Gatherings! Home of solution-oriented forums where everyone’s voice is equally weighted-one man or woman, one vote. TPC Communal Gatherings is a platform to move us all forward toward a, “WE over I” mindset and service-to-others lifestyle focused on self-reliance and cooperative leadership. From new models for schooling, to sustainable gardening, to self-empowerment, to Universal Law, to holistic health & wellness and through social change with our Peoples Colors and Positive Actions groups and much more, TPC Communal Gatherings is here for us all-THInking and acting differently.
We endeavor to improve quality of life in all aspects-to a balanced and fair society, based on need not greed, caring and sharing and being cooperative not comparative or competitive.
A hand up over a hand out
Your donation of just $1 a month, when combined with a mere 1% of Americans funding their own club could generate
$3 Million a month. What a positive impact that could make!