Welcome to the Peoples Club Communal Gatherings! Home of solution-oriented forums where everyone’s voice is equally weighted-one man or woman, one vote. TPC Communal Gatherings is a platform to move us all forward toward a, “WE over I” mindset and service-to-others lifestyle focused on self-reliance and cooperative leadership. From new models for schooling, to sustainable gardening, to self-empowerment, to Universal Law, to holistic health & wellness and through social change with our Peoples Colors and Positive Actions groups and much more, TPC Communal Gatherings is here for us all-THInking and acting differently.

We endeavor to improve quality of life in all aspects-to a balanced and fair society, based on need not greed, caring and sharing and being cooperative not comparative or competitive.

The purpose of the Universal/Natural Law Group is the restoration of the True Rule of Law and providing a blueprint for society, which will form the foundation of local communities. Bi-weekly open meeting to members and monthly teaching classes.
The Peoples Colors is a unifying force which recognizes the power of the people when we lift one another and rise together. We seek to end racial division in creative ways. Join our regular meetings and be the change!
The TPC Positive Actions Group applies people-first solutions to help make old outworn systems of society obsolete-to clear the path for a more heart-centered future for all.
Home growing database and more with regular meetings. Connect with other gardeners as we learn and teach self-reliance and how to restore the soil without gmo’s, chemicals or tilling for maximum nutrition, and health.
Reinventing school curriculum while un-learning all the useless information currently taught in schools. Creating a homeschooling database. Co-creating a new model for apprenticeships for adults called mentorship. Weekly meetings via zoom. Come help us build for our future!
Holistic approaches for everyone with a focus on self-healing. Subcategories in this forum are simple natural treatments and herbal remedies.
A group where we learn to budget, manage our tax obligations and get out of debt by changing our mindset and ideas about our purchases and the things we accumulate.
Members can submit innovative ideas for our future and make suggestions.

A hand up over a hand out

Your donation of just $1 a month, when combined with a mere 1% of Americans funding their own club could generate
$3 Million a month. What a positive impact that could make!